Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Worst Team in Baseball

The San Francisco Giants are the worst team in baseball. This team is pathetic and there is no hope for the near future unless you think Kevin Frandsen is the second coming of Ryne Sandberg or Freddie Lewis will be the next Ricky Henderson. What ever happened to Lance Niekro and Travis Ishikawa? Merkin Valdez anyone? Nothing is worst than a team that is not just bad but also utterly boring.This team is as exciting to watch as watching paint dry. Without Barry Bonds in the lineup, this team is a disaster. Ray Durham and Ryan Klesko batting cleanup instills fear among no pitcher. Matt Cain is 3-11 this season and the Giants bats stay quiet each time he is on the mound. What did he do to tick off all of the hitters? I suggest Cain go apologize and make amends for any transgressions or he might be looking at a 20 loss season. Name one Giant position player besides Bonds who you would pay to watch. You would have to be a sadist to want to watch Dave Roberts misjudge balls off the bat time after time in center field or seeing Ryan Klesko play first base. Losing teams like the Devil Rays and Royals have hope. The Devil Rays are one of the more exciting teams in baseball that no one knows about. B.J. Upton and Carl Crawford are a talented duo and pitcher Scott Kazmir is a ace in waiting. Royals fans see hope in Alex Gordon and Billy Butler. The Washington Nationals even have hope and everyone will rejoice when their new stadium debuts next season. What do Giants fans have to look forward to? How about six more years of Barry Zito?

1 comment:

  1. It's so horrible that I don't even watch anymore. They need some major restructuring.
