Thursday, December 20, 2007

Holiday Hottie of the Week Vikki Mitchell

D Wizzle's World is back with a new Hottie of the Week!! Thanks everyone for their patience. This is one of the most exciting and popular feature on this site and after a short hiatus, the Hottie of the Week(HOW) feature is back and better than ever. Enjoy the holiday edition with Vikki Mitchell, a 24-year-old model from California.

Hi Vikki, can you tell us what kind of model you are?
I'm what you would call a casual model...print, hair, make up, magazines...everything but high fashion because I'm not tall enough.
You are a big football fan and your favorite teams are the USC Trojans and the San Francisco 49ers. If these two teams played each other this year, who would win?
(Laughing) I can't believe you took it there! Well, first if they were to play today, the Niners would have home field advantage since the Trojans are officially homeless at the moment (Laughing) hard as this is to say, I would have to go with the Trojans. The Trojans have the discipline to start as well as finish. With the Niners, there are too many inconsistencies, and inconsistency loses games. That's been one of the most frustrating things about being a Niners fan lately. We have the talent, but we don't utilize it the way we could and there's another big difference, the coaching styles.

Do you think Alex Smith is a bust or has he been just suffering from poor coaching by Jim Hostler and Mike Nolan?
Again, going back to coaching, it is the coach's job to develop the talent of a player from the collegian level to the professional level. Alex Smith is not a bust because I believe the team failed him. He didn't have a strong QB to look up to and develop under before he was thrust into the starting position. I know there are people who feel that for the money he makes, he should have tried harder, but I really believe that Alex will eventually become a really good player.

What do you think of Mike Nolan? Are you rollin with Nolan? Or Nolan must be goin?
Nolan must be going!! Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey Good Bye!

Who is your favorite 49er of all time?
Jerry Rice because he was a true athlete. He loved the game and he worked on keeping himself in shape because he was dedicated to his craft. He didn't complain or point fingers when he had a bad game, and he always had a smile on his face. He wasn't cocky about his talent. He had a silent confidence that was transparent when you watched him play. I grew up watching him play and while it embarrassed me to watch him shimmy on the dance floor on Dancing with the Stars,I still like Jerry.

Who do you think would be a good candidate to take over for Nolan if he gets fired?
The Big Tuna!!! Parcells is the man for the job, but I would also settle for Jimmy Johnson.

Give me the score of the Rose Bowl between USC and Illinois.
42-14 Trojans, come on you know better than to ask me that! The only thing that worries me is Juice Williams because he is a threat. I'm pretty confident in our defense but he really has talent. It's always a good game when you have a QB who isn't afraid to use his legs... it keeps things interesting.

You are also a big Lakers fan. They have played very well this year. Besides Kobe , who is your favorite Laker?
Derek Fisher, boy was I sad to see him go and happy as hell to see him come back!! Derek is a player who plays fair,plus he makes himself available when needed, and he doesn't try to be the team. In basketball, you need that player who can widen the lead in the last two minutes, the player with the good eye for the shot, and is wise enough to know when he needs to pass the rock to get the job done.The biggest play you could make sometimes is to pass the ball.

What are some of your biggest pet peeves?
Ignorance, bad hygiene, false friends, and dream stealers... those are people who try to discourage you from following your dreams because they themselves do not have the courage and support to do what they love.

What part of your body gets the most compliments from people?
It's always the face! But to zero in on one area, it's the eyes. People tell me that they are alluring. To me, there is nothing special about my eyes, but I'm not going to argue with people who show me love!

Thanks Vikki. It's been really fun talking sports with you. Do you have any final words?
I would like to thank you, D Wizzle, for picking me for the "Hottie of the Week" honor, and giving me the opportunity to talk about sports! I hope that this gives people a different view about models because we are not all just "looks". If people are interested in booking me or want to see more of me, I can be reached at or


  1. I had no idea that my little sister Vikki knew so much about Football I guess we have to give credit to that man who gave you away on your wedding day :-)

    Love ya Sweety


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