Friday, December 21, 2007

Q&A with Maryland Strong Safety Christian "BamBam" Varner

BamBam and Maryland want that Emerald Bowl trophy

On December 28, Oregon State will face Maryland in the Emerald Bowl in San Francisco. Here is a Q&A with Maryland's strong safety, Christian "BamBam" Varner. Varner has started 35 of Maryland's last 36 games and is known as a hard hitter. The senior also doubles as a punt returner for the Terrapins.

How did you get your nickname "BamBam"?
I received the name" BamBam" when I was little from my mother because my head was bigger then my body, but I was so strong. I did not start playing football until I was in high school and once I hit this guy so hard that his helmet broke and they took him to the hospital for broken ribs and head trauma. People already new me as "BamBam"because of my mom, but at that point, they called me that 'cause I hit so hard. Even in baseball and basketball, I would hit home runs out the park and they would yell "Bammmmmm" and when I dunked on a fast break,they would yell "Bammmmm"! (Laughs) Kind of crazy right!

How were your finals and how did you do?
I did great... finals were a breeze. I graduated early last semester so I have been taken chill classes so I could play my senior season.

Are you excited about coming to San Francisco to play in the Emerald Bowl?
Yes, I am very excited about coming to San Fran. I have neve been to the West Coast at all. I can't wait to see what it is like over there.

What was your most memorable game this season?
My last home game against Boston College because they were ranked like #2 in the country,and it was the last home game, so it was so important to us.We won also so it was great.

What position do you see yourself playing in the NFL? Do you see yourself staying at strong safety or moving to free safety or conerback?
I can see myself playing free safety because of my instincts from baseball to get to the ball in center field which I played in baseball (center field). I also can see my self being a punt returner and a nickel back if needed. Also, I can play receiver very well so what ever they need, I will be down for.

Which Emerald Bowl event are you looking forward to the most besides the game? The Bay Cruise and trip to Alcatraz or the video game challenge at Jillians?
The trip to Alcatrazzzzzzz (laughs). That will be fun!

Thanks for the interview BamBam. Good luck and have fun in the Bay Area next week.
Your welcome and thank you for the interview.