Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hottie of the Week Dana Sagum

D Wizzle is back with another HOW and this time it is Dana Sagum from Hawaii. Dana is a 22-year-old model and dancer. You may have seen this stunning brown-haired beauty at a nightclub, in magazines, or at car shows such as Hot Import Nights and Streetcar Showoff.  Check out what she has to say as she talks about what kind of guys she likes, her favorite MMA fighter, and why she misses Pride along with other topics.

I was and raised on the beautiful Garden Island of Kauai.


I'm a total sucker for bad boys and a magnet for trouble. I love adrenaline, and the biggest rush comes those 30 seconds right before getting busted for something. I like  guys who can keep me on my toes in that sense.  I also absolutely love fighters!

PhotobucketMy favorite fighter is Quinton "Rampage" Jackson. He is  is a bad-ass fighter. The meanest fight was when he slammed Ricardo Arona. That was nuts.

PhotobucketI really miss Pride.

Pride was so much more exciting. Pride had ropes instead of the cage, and in UFC when someone gets pushed into the cage, it seems to get boring.

The rules are so much more hardcore in Pride, and the fights are longer. I think the Pride fighters had to be that much better for those reasons, and in turn the fights end up being much more brutal.


 My boobs definitely get the most attention, but my favorite body part is probably my smile. Ok so that's not a body part, but whatever. A nice smile goes a long way!


The best thing about Hawaii is definitely the people. Gotta love that Aloha Spirit!


I don't have a favorite kind of music. I enjoy all music depending on my mood. My favorite songs are "Shadowboxer" by Fiona Apple,  "Now Drop" by Timberland, and "Summer Wind Was Always Our Song" by the Ataris and they are all very different.

PhotobucketI'm a dancer. I've danced hula since I was six , and hip hop since I was 16. In between, I've also tried ballet, jazz, and Tahitian.

PhotobucketWhat people probably don't know about me is that I am huge nerd! I watch the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, and National Geographic regularly. I love school and I always sit in the front row in the center in every class. I am masterful at Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and all those other trivia gameshows, and I'm pretty much ready to bow down to anyone who knows more about Greek mythology than I do.


The stereotype that all Hawaiians are lazy is so not true! People also think that Hawaiians are all fat is sometimes true, but only because we have such good food!

I like watching  the UH football team and also the women's vollyeball team. I don't have a favorite player but  I have extra love for all the Kamehameha Alumni taking it to the next level at UH.



  1. ALLLLLLLLLLLOHA!!!!! Dana is HOT!!

  2. is she single this shawty got it going on

  3. She is hittable for sure. Nice tits

  4. Who doesnt love a sexy asian girl with big boobs and a pretty face? Give me some of that

  5. Rampage is funny I love a girl that loves MMA. Someone who knows about Pride is always a plus in my book too.

  6. great body but too bad she likes bad boys.

  7. She is hot YA FEEL ME?

  8. Hey you guys!
    Thanks for all the comments:)
    Hit me up at

  9. Dana is one of the best hotties on here so far. The next one will be hard to top her.

  10. What do you think? She just won't suck yours!

  11. You gots to love the thick babes!-

  12. Why da bads boys? u ain't gonna give the good boys some love?
