Monday, February 18, 2008

NFL Draft Prospect Brad Cottam Interview

D Wizzle is back with another interview and this time it is with former Tennessee tight end, Brad Cottam. Cottam was hurt for most of his senior season, but played a key role in helping the Volunteers defeat Wisconsin in the Outback Bowl.
I talked to Cottam last week as he was getting ready for the NFL Combine. Teams needing a solid TE should definitely look at this guy as he has the size and the skills needed to succeed in the NFL.

How is training going for the Combine next week? Are you ready?
Training has been going great up until this point and I only have two more really hard workouts before we ease off for the Combine, but I think I'm definitely ready and I'd be ready to go today if I could.

You missed the first nine games of the season with a wrist injury. How is the wrist now and are you injury free?
The wrist is doing fine, and its at 100%. I'm able to to do all the lifts in the weight room and it's not holding me back at all. Right now, I feel as healthy as I can be and there are no other injuries going on with me right now.

What was the best moment of the season for you?
It was definitely scoring the last TD of the season against Wisconsin... coming back from my injury that almost forced me to miss the whole season and being able to finish on a positive note like that was amazing.

I had a feeling you would say that. That was a great TD and a great win. What will you miss most about playing at UT?
That's a loaded question because there are so many things from the crazy fans, to the Vol Walk, and all the great tradition, but I'll really just miss being with the team through the ups and downs and sticking together. I've made so many friendships in my time at Tennessee that will last for the rest of my life. I'll also miss playing with my brother Jeff. Not many people can say that you and your brother both started for a major college football program in the same year at the same position.

Did you play any sports besides football? Being 6'8, did you play any basketball?
I played basketball throughout my youth and I thought that's what I would always do until I played football in high school and found that I enjoyed playing it so much more than basketball. I did play a little intramural ball at UT... our team, Bayside Tigers, won the championship last year.

How was the Senior Bowl experience?
The Senior bowl was great for me particularly because I had only played in five games my senior season. I enjoyed the process, but they kept us pretty busy all day for the whole week.

Did you enjoy being coached by the 49ers staff during the Senior Bowl week?
They were great. I learned so much from them and was able to get the basics of at least one NFL offense. It will definitely be a big adjustment for me, but I think once I make it, everything will go well.


  1. Cute? This is football not modeling.I think he will be good if he is 6'8. Never seen the dude play though

  2. Thanks for interviewin him!!!!! He will be missed at UT =(

  3. what kind of name is sir mix a lot?
    As a Niners fan, I hope he doesnt go to the Hawks Rams or Cardinals.

  4. Dang he a big dude! Definitely got the size for the NFL! Nice interview! Thx D Wizzle!
