Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hottie of the Week: Texas Rangers Ball Girl Kristen Rash

D Wizzle is back with another Hottie of the Week(HOW). Due to popular demand, the HOW feature is back for good. This week, I have an exclusive interview with Texas Rangers ball girl, Kristen Rash. This 22-year-old cutie  is from a small town in Texas called Emhouse, which only has a population of 159. Kristen attended Oklahoma State and recently graduated with a degree in international business. To see the video of how Kristen became so popular, check out this link -

Hey Kristen, how are you doing today? 

I'm doing well. Thanks!  I am just surprised about how much attention this video has received. 


What was your initial reaction when the fan first fell down onto the field? I heard a loud squealing noise!

You know, sometimes you just have those fans who get really excited and just want a ball. I honestly don't think his intention was to get all of the media attention that he did, but sometimes that's how it works out. However, I can honestly say he scared  me half to death. You never expect a fan to come flying out of the stands like that ... especially when they're close to 300 pounds! Goodness! 

How does it feel to have that incident with the fan shown on ESPN Sportscenter and all over the Internet?  

Honestly, I'm incredibly surprised that it has received so much attention. It's flattering of course, but not something I ever expected!


Did you expect that incident to become so popular on Youtube and on the Internet? It is one of the most popular videos on my blog! 

I did not expect it to become this popular. I thought it might make America's Funniest Videos!


One of the main reasons the video is so popular is because it is very funny but another reason is because you are very pretty and cute. The fans would be mad if I didn't ask if you are single or not.

 I am single! Some people find that shocking but I haven't dated anyone who has wowed me! (laughs)


What are your duties as a Texas Rangers ball girl? 

My ball girl duties include throwing with outfielders and shagging foul balls. The players and fans generally don't expect us to be able to field and throw a baseball so watching their reactions when they see I can do both is a trip! It's probably the funnest job I have ever had.

Is  it fun throwing balls with the outfielders?

Playing catch with the outfielders is probably the best part about the job. You have some players who like to see what you're made of, and you have others who like to play with the situation and pretend like they are pitching a softball. Like I said, it's a great job and the experience is phenomenal!

Who is your favorite Ranger and why? 

Josh Hamilton holds a special place in heart because he was the first major league  player that I ever got to throw with. Every player has their own style, but Josh is very unique. When we play catch together, he makes it fun and mixes it up. Aside from that, Josh has an amazing comeback story that is featured in this month's issue of Sports Illustrated and I would encourage everyone to read the article to see how many obstacles he's had to overcome. Anyone who has ever experienced difficulty in their life could view Josh as a role model. He is a firm believer in Christ and incorporates that into his playing style.


Did you play softball in high school or college?

 I did. I've been playing ball since the age of 10 and I've loved every minute of it. It's a great feeling to still be involved with the game!

 What position did you play?

In high school, I was a utility player. I played every position. In college, I played outfield because i'm fast and can cover a lot of territory.

The San Francisco Giants have senior citizens patrolling the foul area to grab foul balls. They always miss the ball usually. Most of them look like they are over 70 years old, Do you think   you could be a ball girl  when you get old or would want to? 

 (Laughs)That's an unusual marketing scheme. I think when i'm 70, I'll want to be retired but who knows? I may have an arm on me at 70!

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to stay active and workout or be outdoors. I love sports, fishing, and traveling.


Thanks a lot for taking the time to talk to me Kristen. Any final words for the fans?

No problem! Thank you for watching the Rangers and catching the video! It's been a blast, and the fans are the ones who make the games enjoyable for me, so come see me at the Ballpark in Arlington and say hi! 



  1. What a doll! Her attitude is great and she seems really down to earth. I wonder if she likes older men?

  2. This girl is really beautiful... a stunner!

  3. Kudos to her for not giving the fat guy the ball! You topple over me and almost break me in half and now you want the ball? No way!!!

  4. Kudos to her for not giving the fat guy the ball! You topple over me and almost break me in half and now you want the ball? No way!!!

  5. She looks hotter in these new pictures without her helmet. Thanks for the interview D Wizzle

  6. omg that video was just too funny!

  7. hotness is in the house!

  8. Thats it, dodgers need ball girls!!! cause the ball grabbers we have are lame, and it looks like this girl can toss harder then the ball boy by my seats...

    Kristen has a job in LA waiting...

  9. Texas Girls are the sexiest women on earth and this is proof positive.

  10. She is the only girl that I know that knows baseball and is not fat. So she single???? LOL

  11. She is a hot piece of ass and deserves to be fucked right. i would do her for days and then in between we can throw the baseball around.

    I wonder if she likes it in the ass?

  12. I was at the game last night with a couple of season ticket holders and they were telling me that apparently she tends to spend the night with a different ball player every night... The visiting teams are taken care of.

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  15. She is super cute! All MLB teams should have ball girls! :)

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