Thursday, July 24, 2008

Exclusive: Anthony "Rumble" Johnson Pictures After Eye Surgery

UFC fighter Anthony "Rumble" Johnson had to have eye surgery today because his retina was injured due to Kevin Burns' illegal eye pokes during their fight last Saturday. Here are pictures of Johnson after his surgery.

Johnson's surgery was successful and he wishes to thank all his fans for their continued support.


  1. Rumble got the bad end of the deal. First off I don't know how Burns was awarded the win and by TKO. He should have been DQ'd. He illegally poked Rumble a few times during the match too. Mazagatti is horrible! And I don't know how Rumble kept his composure and congratulated Burns even though Burns did not deserve the win. Rumble is a class act and I hope he recovers soon and fights again.

  2. Damn!! I hope he gets better soon because he is a great exciting fighter and now we all know he's class act! That totally sucks how the fight ended on national television but atleast the world can see Burn's illegal tactics. Johnson dominated that fight and should be given the victory!

  3. Rumble got robbed and definately should contest that fight for a win and nothing less. Burns shouldnt get another fight because the next time he could actually poke someone's eye out

  4. all these bs about crying..... a lose is a lose, a win is a win. we saw so many sports happened already, do you want to have instant replay on mma too?? you guys are bunch of cry baby....


  6. Kevin Burns FTW FTW!!!!!!!! What eye poke? I see nothing! Burns FTW!!

  7. Its mostly likey going to get over turned to a N/C anyways but Johnson should should have gotten a Win instead. I think the great support he's getting on sherdog forums can hopefully allow them to realize that Johnson deserves the victory. I know UFC, Dana White, Fertitas, Johnson's manager, Cung Le, and many others are appealing this fight.

  8. I did read that UFC was upset with the ruling of this fight because it shows faults in their organization. Being that they are the leading organization of mma things like this should have never happened. I also beleive that with this fight in their history books mma may never be the same again. More dirty fighters will think of illegal tactics to get the win after this fight.

  9. Kevin Burns already admitted that he has a problem with his hand on television and thats the reason why he threw out his hand that way. Now, with the commissioner and UFC knowing that, he shouldnt be allowed to fight again. With so much hate against Burns in the mma community I dont think people would want to see him fight anyways.

  10. Good luck to Anthony and may he heal fully. Did Burns apologize? He could have blinded Anthony or any other fighter. Dana White should fire him!!

  11. Anthony is atleast still living up to the name his fans gave him, "Dream Killer"

    He killed Chad Reiner's UFC dream after he was released from UFC after his 13 second knock out.

    He killed Tommy Speer's UFC dream after he was released from UFC after his 58 second knock out.

    Now, He killed Kevin Burn's UFC dream after his illegal eye poke because he will most likely never be able to get a fight in UFC or any other mma organization again.

    Shame on RUMBLE!

  12. The UFC favors Anthony anyways because they love his explosive and exciting fights. He has seem to fight so many last minute fights for them including this fight for Ufc that was made last minute. Rumble is a fan favorite so i'm sure Ufc will do anything to keep Johnson happy anyways. I can tell Ufc is building up this fighter to have him gain more hype anyways. I wouldnt be surprised if all this is JUST marketing to give Rumble a bigger fanbase. Regardless, Im still a big fan!

  13. Shame on Rumble? WTF! Shame on The ref and the judges and shame on kevin burns for wanting to win so much he would cheat to do it.

  14. Shame on Rumble? WTF! Shame on The ref and the judges and shame on kevin burns for wanting to win so much he would cheat to do it.

  15. I would like to see a rematch. I doubt Burns would be fired. His punishment will be having his next fight be againstt Penn and then Gsp and then Silva!

  16. Burns should be banned! I don't care if he broke his hand 3x in 18 months. It doesn't excuse the multiple attempts at cheating to win the match. Thats such a dirty tactic and gives a black eye to the sport. Thats some great sportsmanship Burns. Really great.

  17. Like that old boyz to men song. It's the end of the road for ya Burns!

  18. i hope he does recover soon because i want to see more knock outs and i know thats how he always tries his best to finish his fights with impressive KO's. He definately tries to bring it !

  19. I would have never expected Anthony Johnson to be so humble and such a class act. I personally would have been raising HELL and cussing the Ref and judges out like a mofo!
    I have a new found respect for this athlete and is a good role model for this sport.

  20. I saw many threads on Sherdog about helping Johnson protest against this TKO. I see new thread everyday from his fans regarding this issue. Im not sure if the voice of the fans will help or not since I know UFC and higher level people are alrady looking into it.

    Heres the latest thread I found that was started today. I cant seem to find the thread that had like 100's of pages long though.

  21. shit...Anthony should atleast get his win bonus!!! Why would Burns deserve to get the WIN BONUS for poking some dude's eye out?? That would make no sense!

  22. Wow. the hype and publicity of this fight and of Anthony is unbeleivable!!!!!!!!!! Rumble and this fight will probably be remembered the UFC history forever. If even he doesnt get the win bonus or the victory, he sure did create a huge buzz for himself. This is pretty insane if you guys do really think about this.

  23. I hope Rumble has a speedy recovery. The man is a badass and always comes in to finish a fight. Its just too bad this had to happen. I know he will be back better than ever! Can't wait! Keep ya head up, Rumble!

  24. Anthony Johnson has definately become a fan favorite now. Cant wait to see him back in action soon

  25. Rumble is definately a class act. Keep your head up my brother. We all got ur backs

  26. Like NFL and NBA, UFC should definately consider using instant replays now. This fight was a joke and a joke on the UFC. With shit like this happening I can see other mma organizations step up their game to try to stop shit like this from happening.

  27. I hope his eye gets better soon and I wish him a quick recovery. It would be disappointing if we lose a good young upcoming fighter to some BS like this. But really Burns shouldnt be able to fight anymore

  28. Johnson is a humble guy and carried himself with great class. He definately made a good example of what a true mix martial artist is. Im glad his actions was shown on national television because this will show the audience that mma fighters arent all low lifes, thugs, and barbaric.

  29. I'm still shocked and amazed how Johnson acted after the fight and the decision. Not only did he show Burns respect he also demanded the angry audience to show Burns some respect. I really have commend Johnson on his actions. You gotta love this guy.

  30. WAR RUMBLE!!! Burns get the fuck out of this sport!! youre luck that Anthony didnt make you pay for his eye surgery..come on man, how u think u can fight when you know you have an injured hand and tend to just an open hand first. WTF!

  31. I really hope his eye get better soon cuz I love watching him fight. that guy is a beast

  32. Man , Rumble sure got jacked up from this eye poking. Needed to get surgery too? I knew he got poked bad from all the replays and angles they showed but geez but needing surgery is way bad. Thanks for the update

  33. Even the ref went up to Rumble to apoligize to him about his bad call after watching the replays. But no one (no even the viewers) really knew what happened until they showed the replays and different angles. But by then it was already too late so its up to the commissioners hands now and it usually takes 2 months for the appeal to take into effect anyways. I'm sure it was be considered a no contest but its still sucks for Anthony because it should have been a victory for him by disqualification. Even if the eye poking didnt happen the viewers knew he would have won by decision at the end anyways. Unless Anthony would have pulled off another quick KO at the end. This sucks but what can u do? The UFC system still sucks

  34. Yea I think I heard the ref say "im sorry" or something like that to Rumble. Anyone can confirm this? I felt really bad for dude.

  35. Funny cuz i did kinda hear the ref say sorry cuz he didnt see the eye poke until they did they replay. I find it funny that a ref has to say sorry to a fighter for their bad call.

  36. I felt bad for all the guys that had Rumble because I had Burns and won a decent amount of money on the fight! WAR Burns War steve mazzagatti!!!

  37. Did anyone see the fight between Kevin Burns and Roan? Did Burns use open hand palm strikes on Roan too? I can't find the fight online.

  38. In mma, its never good to bet the favorites because the odds are always so good for the underdogs anyways. Theres always a punchers chance. Thats why i tend to bet all the underdogs and hope for a come up!

  39. Keep ur head up . I feel sorry for the next guy rumble fights cuz hes gonna be hungry for that win after what happened to him. I gotta give it up to you for that sportsmanship dawg. thats that pimp shit. Bully Lovers in the house

  40. UFc is racist and this is why i dont watch this shit no more. First Rampage, now Rumble. Two young black men getting screwed by the white man.

  41. UFC SUCKS SHIT!!!!

  42. UFC SUCKS SHIT!!!!

  43. Rampage went on a Rumble

  44. I saw the fight last night and it made me sick watching it. Burns should be in jail for stunts like that. Assault. You just don't do that and it was terrible for the sport especially on cable television. Burns is a cheat and should not be awarded his purse. Rumble Johnson showed a lot of class, too much in fact probably. the fans SHOULD boo Burns. it was justified.

  45. I watched the rerun of the fights because I watched Affliction the dayof that UFC and I also couldnt beleive what I was seeing! Never in mma history anything so stupid could have happened espcially when Anthony was poked in the eyes like 5 times throughout the whole fight to begin with. The fight should have been called a DQ way before he got seriously poked in the eye. What a joke the UFC is

  46. Burns is a PIECE OF SHIT!

  47. War Rumble! FU BURNS!

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