Thursday, July 31, 2008

Shooto Japan Event "Scion Battleground" - Important Update

Friday Afternoon Update:  SHOW HAS BEEN CANCELLED!!!

There is a MMA event in San Francisco called "Scion Battleground" on August 2 and it is being presented by Shooto Japan.

The main event advertised on the flyer is between Drew Fickett and Antonio McKee.  D Wizzle World's  sources have told him that both these fighters are NOT on the card and will not be fighting.

D Wizzle World has also found out that many of the other fighters listed on the flyer won't be fighting as well. 

Their website also lists famous Internet models Akira Lane and Bobbi Billard as appearing, but D Wizzle's World has learned that Akira Lane doesn't even know anything about the event. 

There is also supposed to be a B-Boy dance competition along with the MMA fights. Talk about two different audiences! 

Repeated emails and phone calls to the promoters running this event have not been returned.


  1. Sounds like a fricken scam. Shame on these promoters! I was looking forward to the event too. If i were a fighter on the flyer and knew nothing about it, i would sue!

  2. People should definately complain to Shooto Japan, Flavor Group and Ankh Marketing for misleading the fans!
    Their sponsors: SCION,LIVE 105, SF Weekly, 944 Magazine, On The Mat, SF Station,, Miller Beer, Micky's, Pilsner Urquell, Fernet-Branca, Correlejo Tequila, Seagram's Vodka, Sake2Me should be notified about their business practice for future references.

    Even though a few fighters mentioned on the card isnt fighting, its hard to say how the event will turn out until its over. Hopefully it will still be a decent event because it would be a shame to damage Shooto Japans prestige name here in the USA.

  3. A main event of Fickett and McKee is doomed to fail in the first place.

  4. what the heck?!! I was hoping to see some great fights tonight... instead wtf... some dance competitions, hoey models, etc. Ank, Flavor, and whoever else was involved should be ASHAMED!

  5. The promoters must be related to the WrestlefanFest ones. Pitiful!

  6. This wreaks of wannabe promoters trying to get in on MMA since MMA is the new hip thing of our culture. They found out how hard it is to be a success. Not everyone can be Dana White and the UFC and be a success. More dumbass people and promoters will try though.

  7. Unorganized from the start! I was hired to be a "hot" bartender for VIP. Man, I wish I could have served you guys! I found out from a friend who checked the website that AM to find out the event was just canceled?!? I called the people that hired me and they had no clue even at 12 noon day of the event!!

    Tips are based on clientele, I love MMA! You guys rock, are fun, cute as hell and tip! But I'm not working a ghetto ass concert. A FREE ghetto concert, by the way. I'm not working my pretty tail off to be disrespected by some fool and walk out with 15 bucks for the night. I have better things to do on a Saturday, like make REAL A MONEY or go on a date. Please!!!!

    Then it got all wack turning into a free event, b-boy competition, vaudeville circus, hoe-fest and afro-centric concert! WTF. How weird is that? What kind of crowd were they trying to target? That is a huge ass range of interests. If I fight I want to see adrenaline, not pop n' lock! I think they were throwing things together, probably from acts that worked for free for exposure or was a friend of a friend (not sure that's my speculation) Not cool!

    I dunno... after reading the truth on D Wizzle, I decided yesterday that I don't agree with the promoters practices so I said eff that! I agreed to work MMA. MMA only. That's shady. Who went? I would livid if I paid for a ticket then had to go home!!! Or wait 4 hours for a rap concert! That does not erase what they did!

    What measures did the promoters take to ensure the ticket holders were notified? None!!! What if you lived 1hour away and paid gas and toll? What if you canceled plans to attend this event? What if you were looking forward to this event like 99% of the people that purchased a ticket but to be turned away at the door!

    I never want to see this happen again in SF. People like that don't deserve the chance or opportunity to promote any event-period. Irresponsible, and I wanted no part of it. I'm mad and didn't even have a ticket. But I bought an hot outfit to bartend! Just an insider frustrated with this flakiness (I don't think that's a real word. Roll with me here, I'm venting)

    Ugh!!! I was disgusted when I read this yesterday and had to express my thoughts. What makes it worst is that the promoters and Fort Mason are being tight lipped about it.

    There are people on the internet that were disappointed, frustrated and annoyed by the treatment last night and they still have no answers. Check out and Sad.

  8. Wow...funny to see all the racism come out.

  9. Yup, FYI I'm the writer of the hot bartender post and guess what...I'm black! Don't give me that. Don't try to pull the race card. You look so retarded right now!

    Ha! I bet you're from and didn't even purchase a ticket in the first place. Just going for the free Talib concert, huh? If you PURCHASED a ticket you wouldn't be talking smack on this blog. Check my profile. I'm a minority, my skin is brown. NOW WHAT?!?

  10. There is a HUGE difference between a MMA battle and a B boy battle. A fighting stance and a b boy stance. Go figure. FAWK the promoters FAWK the sponsors FAWK them all.

  11. Kwali performed a freee concert last night? That was what I heard. He is always doing things out in NYC and the Bay and did the Icer Air show here a year or two ago.

    Bartender chick - u got a picture?
    Holla at ya boy!

  12. The fans went to a MMA fight and a rap concert broke out!!! Yelpee!!!

  13. If you want to see mma in SF, check out Gldiator Challenge fights. Tickets won't cost a grip and the fights are great!! No, I don't work for them but scams and fake promoters like this makes me sick. Sorry to all the fans that drove all the way to Fort Mason and saw a bunch of hip hop heads instead of MMA junkies!

  14. Kali Kat said...
    Yup, FYI I'm the writer of the hot bartender post and guess what...I'm black! Don't give me that. Don't try to pull the race card. You look so retarded right now!

    Ha! I bet you're from and didn't even purchase a ticket in the first place. Just going for the free Talib concert, huh? If you PURCHASED a ticket you wouldn't be talking smack on this blog. Check my profile. I'm a minority, my skin is brown. NOW WHAT?!?

    You sound pretty dumb then. Afrocentric? WTF? Why do you hate your race so much?

  15. Do yourself a favor and look up the word afrocentric in the dictionary and then get back with me.

    And for your information, where did I write a comment that I hate my own race? you know me? Um, no!!! What gives YOU the right to make a comment about someone you don't know or never met?

    Don't put words in my mouth because I never said that. I would never deny or be ashamed of my race. I don't hate my race, but in a minute I'm about to go "Afro-centric" on your ass and show what it really means! You can have the my version.

    SHAME ON YOU for being low down and resort to foul tactics like that.

  16. I'm hollering, Anonymous! That was really cute.



  17. I won't put words into Kali Kut's mouth but I will put something else there na mean?!!

  18. You sound like you're a kid. So you're saying a MMA crowd is way classier than a Talib Kweli crowd? WTF? Ya MMA ain't filled with overly macho homophobic white dudes...hahaha!'re retarded.

  19. Where can some see a pic of Kali Kat...I love a woman with some attitude... Holla at this boy!

  20. Kat is the type of chick that just don't give a F!!! The real pitbull in a skirt. As for the concert, I didn't go and I won't be going to any events sponsored by these "promoters"
