Monday, September 29, 2008

49ers Coach Mike Nolan's Press Confernce Notes and Quotes

  • The defensive players had "mental errors" on the  long passes that Brees connected on.
  • "Our offensive line can play better."
  • The Saints offense is similar to their own offense.
  • Has not spoken with Vernon Davis after his outburst on the field but he will.  "Vernon is an emotional player."
  • "Kentwan  Balmer is getting better."   
  • "The vertical passes were the ones that got us in trouble."  
  • Thought the defense did some outstanding things.
  •  Wanted to slow the game down so he used the challenge in the 3rd quarter on a six yard gain by the Saints.
  • Might  activate Tully Banta-Cain for the Patriots game
  • Doesn't plan on making any lineup changes.


  1. Get that crackhead Nolan out of there NOW. That Son of a bitch can't coach a pee wee league. He don't know crap so fire him now. Just when you think the 49ers are going to do something good, Nolan's coaching or lack of it rears its ugly head again.

  2. at least we are better than the raiders yesterday!!

  3. I am waiting for the press conference to announce his firing. Until then, let the games go on. I rather have scott linehan over this noob.
