Thursday, December 4, 2008

Former Raider Jarrod Cooper To Blast Al Davis on NFL Network Tonight

D Wizzle's World has just found out that former Raider Jarrod Cooper will be on the NFL Network after the game to blast Al Davis right after the Chargers vs. Raiders game tonight.

A source who is a Raiders insider just  told D Wizzle's World that Cooper will be very critical of the Raiders owner and won't pull any punches. 


  1. WOW...... WOW...... we'll see tonight!

  2. I thought he was retired?

  3. You would retire too if you played for the Raiders!! I'll be watching. Coop was one of my favorites. Go Raiders! Let's get a win over the SAND DIE Chargers

  4. Jarod was never a good player and his claim to fame is fucking christina spears or auglera or a pop star i forgot. Al Davis will send one of his goons to quiet Jarod before he gets to speak!!!!!!

  5. I guess since his career is over he can take all the shots he want now. What a coward. Why diddnt he talk shit when he was on the team? Al gives you a paycheck and this is how you repay him? Thanks a lot

  6. Great!! Another ex Raider bashing Big Al. Get in line because I am sure there will be more ex players blasting him. Russell and D Mac should just go to another team if they want a good career. This team is so mesed up and it won't get better until Big Al dies.

  7. I was hanging with Mr Cooper before and he is a good guy and a class act. He gets nothing but respect from me and my familia.

  8. D... you were right on!! He sure went off on Big Al....
