Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hottie of the Week: UFC Octagon Girl Logan Stanton

The new Hottie of the Week is Logan Stanton. Logan is a model and the newest UFC Octagon Girl. This 20-year-old hottie is from Florida and is 5'10.

UFC fans have wanted to know more about Logan ever since she made her debut at UFC 92 last month. D Wizzle talked to this statuesque beauty after she came back from Dublin, Ireland for UFC 93.
Hi Logan, how are you doing today? Congratulations on being the newest UFC Octagon Girl!

Hey D! I'm doing great. Thank you!

How did you get to be the newest Octagon Girl for the UFC?

It was very unexpected actually. Abbey, my booker, called me and asked if I had ever heard of something called the "UFC." I was a little confused why they wanted to see me, but I was curious so I flew out to Vegas to meet with Dana (UFC President Dana White) and Craig (UFC Executive VP of Operations and Production, Craig Borsari) and they explained to me that they wanted me to be the new Octagon Girl for the UFC. I was shocked because I'm clearly not your typical looking ring girl and I think everyone knows what I mean by that (laughs). Regardless, I was flattered and jumped on the opportunity right away.

What were you doing before you started working for the UFC?

Before this, I was modeling. I've only been modeling for about a year now, and have been back and forth between Miami and LA.

Were you a MMA fan before joining the UFC?

I was definitely a fan. I wouldn't say a huge fan, because I don't know all of the fighters by name or anything, but I've been meeting up with friends at for a few years now to watch the fights.

Do you have a favorite UFC fighter?

Like I said, I don't know many of the fighters that well, so I don't have an absolute favorite yet.

How was it like to sit at cageside and watch the fights up close for the first time?

Sitting ringside was amazing! My first fight was something that I will never forget. The energy in the arena was unbelievable and it was by far one of the best experiences I've ever had.

Did you enjoy UFC 93 in Ireland?

Yes, I had a lot of fun during the pre-fights too. The fans were going crazy over their Irish fighters.

How was the trip to Ireland?

I'm not a fan of the cold, so besides the depressing weather, I had a lot of fun in Ireland.

The UFC is going to be in Tampa for the February 7 Ultimate Fight Night event as well. You must be excited about that since it will be in Florida.

I'm really looking forward to the fights in Tampa since it's only a few hours from Miami and I have a lot of friends who will be there.

After you made your debut at UFC 92, have you gotten noticed and recognized a lot when you go out?

I've only been noticed in the cities where the fights are held really. Once the robe comes off, I'm nothing special... I'm just me!

Where are you from and what city do you currently reside in now?

I'm originally from a small town in Florida called Niceville. I'm not even kidding! At the moment, I'm living in Miami, but I'm going to be moving out to LA next month. Although I love to travel, I'm not a big fan of this whole "living out of a suitcase" lifestyle, so I'm really looking forward to settling down somewhere for awhile.

Do you have any favorite sports teams and players?

I've always been a big baseball fan. My favorite team is the Boston Red Sox and my favorite player is David Ortiz. Big Papi!

What do you like to do in your free time?

It depends. If the sun's out, I need to be outdoors. Whether I'm at the beach or kayaking, it doesn't really matter as long as I'm out of the house. If it's cloudy or raining, then I love curling up in bed all day and watching movies or reading.

Thanks for taking the time to talk to me Logan and letting the fans get to know more about you. We look forward to seeing you at all the UFC events.

You're welcome, and I just want to say thank you for all of the support I've received from everyone these past few weeks. I really appreciate it.


  1. Logan is gorgeous! Plus she really sounds real sweet and modest so this adds to her hotness factor. bonus points for me

  2. Fwap fwap fwap Thank you for this!!!

  3. She looks stunning in the blue shirt. I will be in Vegas later this week so I will hopefully see her and get an autograph picture. War GSP

  4. The UFC slogan is As Real As It Gets and she is 100% real. The other ring girls can't say that! Plastic!

    Now all they need is a blonde.

  5. Ill read what she has to say later. I can ogle her all day. Why do we love ring girls so much?

  6. Man...gorgeous face but eat a cheeseburger or two for chrisakes, do your bones clank together when you walk (or during other activites)? LOL

  7. LOL at the ^ comment above. Models are supposed to be tall and slender. If you want fat girls, you can go to McDonalds and find a fat ass there. Shes in good shape and healthy.

  8. i think most women would die to have a body like hers. even the thick girls would be jealous. my ex looked like her. well her body and figure did.

  9. Sweet chick - u cant be mean if ur from Niceville!!! I bet everyone is nice there

  10. If everyone from Niceville has to be nice, then I wish I was from Cashville because I would be full of cash!

  11. Now this is what a girl should look like ... nice smile, good body, and intelligent. The sluts can continue to be in Playboy and in porn and in the smut rags, we don't need anymore Brittany Skyes. The UFC finally did something right and did not hire a gigantic boobed blonde like how the WWE always does for their women.

  12. is this arianny's little cousin or sister? They DO look alike in certain pictures

  13. Too bad she is a Red Sox fan. You figure she would like the Devil Rays. At least she is not a bandwagon jumper. Everyone in Tampa and St Pete is.

  14. She's Arianny's girlfriend. There is supposed to be a sex tape.

  15. She looks mixed. hopefully she won't fall for any of the latino fighters like Ariany and Ali Sonoma did. Roger Huerta and Diego Sanchez, you got to watch out for them Logan!!!

  16. Nice interview.Good to get to know not just the fighters but the ring girls too. It is ok for a girl to be from Niceville but if you are a fighter, better lie and say you from The Bronx instead or a tougher sounding city!

  17. shes alright but last weeks girl was better because i got a sweet spot for Latinas

  18. She would be perfect but shes a red sox fan.

  19. Holy Cow she is a keeper Dana!

  20. I Live Like 2 Hours From Niceville. IM MOVING! Lol Penn>GSP 2nd Rd TKO

  21. Yea she ain't got a inflated chest or tats or a fake name so she is REAL. If we had more women like her on tv, girls won't grow up to want to be fake and sluts.

  22. the reason logan is the hottest girl in the ufc is not just because she has a pretty face but she is the youngest!Ewdith is like 25 and so is Celeste and this girl is not even 21!

  23. love how she is all natural


  25. She makes arianny look like a fat pig at the weighins!!

  26. thanks for the read. and pictures too of course. sounds like a down to earth chick and sweet gal

  27. t blew a big load over her face. i printed out a pic of her and fukt it

  28. Logan is skinny but all top models are like that. Just like that girl from The City, Allie. I know most of you guys don't watch that crap on MTV but my girl watches it sometimes.

  29. sweet pics and interview. she seems very friendly and nice. my type of girl fo sho

  30. holy crap, i went to middle school and high school with her

  31. Was she hot in middle school too?

  32. I wonder if she will have a Sunday funday video like Arianny Celeste too

  33. Miss Stanton is the hottest and most down to earth ring girl in the ufc and is hotter than the other two and even rachelle leah and amber miller

  34. Gorgeous! I love her already!! I would like to see more of her in the future.

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