Sunday, February 8, 2009

Giants FanFest 2009

D Wizzle's World was at the San Francisco GIants FanFest yesterday and we will have photos and videos up shortly.

Here is a recap of the event.

The line at 10A.M. was crazy. The line was all the way back to the parking lot. Some people told me that they were line at 8A.M. 

Fans raced up the ramp and stairs when they opened up the gates at 10. They were running to get in line for autographs by various Giants, coaches, and broadcasters.

The autograph lines were very long. There were three or four people at a table signing at each of the autograph areas around the ballpark.

They had a Q&A stage where fans could ask questions to the people on the stage.  First up was Sergio Romo, Vida Blue, and Steve Holm.

After that was Mike Krukow, Duane Kiper, Tim Flannery, and Ron Wotus.   They left after an hour and up came Jesse English, Bruce Bochy, and Aaron Rowand, 

The last participants in the Q&A were Will Clark, Vida Blue again, and Tito Fuentes.

There were dugout, pressbox, and clubhouse tours.

Lou Seal was there signing balls and taking pictures with kids.

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