Wednesday, September 16, 2009

UFC Fight Night 19 Preview

UFC Fight Night 19 is tonight on Spike TV. It will begin at 8pm PT and it is a taped broadcast on the West Coast. There are 11 fights on the card but only four scheduled fights on Spike TV.

Spike TV is channel 45 in San Francisco if you have Comcast Cable.

The main event will be between Melvin Guillard against Nate Diaz in a battle of lightweights.

The other three matches that will be on TV are

Nate Quarry vs. Tim Credeur

Carlos Condit vs. Jake Ellenberger

Gray Maynard vs. Roger Huerta

If these fights finish early, the viewers will be able to watch some of the seven prelim fights.

I have no idea why the UFC and Spike TV decided to have the Quarry/Credeur fight on the main card instead of some of the prelim fights such as Sam Stout vs. Philllipe Nover or CB Dolloway vs. Jay Silva.

I think those two fights could be very exciting and hopefully we get to see at least one of those two on television tonight.

Brian Stann vs. Steve Cantwell is another good fight that is not scheduled to air tonight. Another match that I am looking foward to is Jeremy Stephens vs. Justin Buchholtz but that fight is also on the prelim card.

Cantwell has a video of him training for Stann here.

Huerta told the UFC that he plans to quit MMA and that he wants to focus on a movie and acting career after his fight with Maynard. You can check a video of Huerta training for the fight here.

Maynard is not a very exciting fighter and all he does is lay and pray. He gets his opponents down on the mat and he doesn't do much after that. Let's hope that this fight will be exciting but this fight could turn out like most of Maynard's fights and be very dull.

No one expects Guillard to beat Diaz but Guillard has power in his hands and has a puncher's chance in beating Diaz. Diaz is way superior on the ground and he will most likely submit Guillard if the fight gets to the ground.

Stay tuned after the fights on Spike TV for The Ultimate Fighter 10. Kimbo Slice is one of the 16 competitors on the show and this season might be one of the best seasons yet.


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