Thursday, December 10, 2009

UFC 107 Preview

UFC 107 will be this Saturday night live on pay-per-view. The show will be held in Memphis, Tennessee.

The main event that evening will be UFC lightweight champion, B.J. Penn, going against Diego Sanchez.

Sanchez is a very tough fighter but he is not expected to defeat the very talented Penn. Penn is a heavy favorite (-280) to beat Sanchez.

Although most fans predict Penn will win, this fight should be full of action since Sanchez loves to push the pace and Penn is not one to back down.

The co-main event is between heavyweights Frank Mir and Cheick Kongo. Mir has stated numerous times that he wants another rematch with UFC heavyweight champion, Brock Lesnar. In order to get another title shot, he would have to defeat Kongo on Saturday night.

Mir has made fun of Kongo's English and Kongo has felt disrespected by Mir. Kongo is a great stand-up fighter with heavy hands but he is not very good on the ground. Unfortunately for Kongo, the ground game is Mir's specialty.

If the fight goes to the ground, Mir should be able to get a submission on Kongo but if both fighters are on their feet, Kongo could get the knockout victory.

Paul "The Headhunter" Buentello returns to the UFC to take on youngster Stefan Struve in the first fight on the main card. Struve is 6-11 and he will give Buentello trouble with his reach and length.

Buentello needs to keep this fight standing because Struve is very dangerous on the ground due to his length. Struve can get an opponent in an armbar or triangle when the fight goes to the ground.

In a battle of lightweight contenders, Clay Guida will battle Kenny Florian. Florian was last seen in the cage getting choked out by Penn a few months ago. Florian does not want to lose twice in a row but Guida is a very formidable opponent.

Guida lost a split decision to Sanchez in his last fight. This fight is a must-win for both fighters and you can expect a very competitive fight between these two lightweights.

In another fight on the main card, Jon Fitch takes on Mike Pierce. No one is giving Pierce much of a chance against Fitch, and it will be a huge upset if Pierce gets the victory. Fitch is one of the best fighters in the welterweight division, and his only loss in the UFC came against UFC welterweight champion, Georges St. Pierre.

Below is the prelim card.

Kevin Burns vs. TJ Grant

DeMarques Johnson vs. Edgar Garcia

Rousimar Palhares vs. Lucio Linhares

Johny Hendricks vs. Ricardo Funch

Matt Wiman vs. Shane Nelson

Alan Belcher vs. Wilson Gouveia


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