Friday, March 27, 2009

Cung Le Interview with Meredith DiVita

Here's another interview done yesterday by Meredith D. with Strikeforce middleweight champion, Cung Le. And yes, that rhymes!


Anonymous said...

what a pair of knockers. she could possibly knockout Cung with those! Watch out Cung we got another challenger for your belt!

Anonymous said...

Poor Cung Le/. he has to be interviewed by hot girls like this. damn it is time to train and become a fighter! Chicks dig cauliflower ears!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice funbags

Anonymous said...

i love her tits!

Anonymous said...

God bless her and her boobs!!

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see Cung back in the ring this year. But I guess for now I'll just have to watch his movies that are supposed to come out soon.

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Natalia Muntean said...

Cung L is quite confident about his opponent

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