Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Strikeforce "Carano Vs.Cyborg" Press Conference Notes: "We're Female, No Penis"

Strikeforce had a big press conference recently at the WaMu Theater at Madison Square Garden to promote their August 15 event in San Jose, California.

The main event that evening will be a women's championship match-up between Gina Carano and Cyborg Santos. Both of these women were in attendance last week at the press conference to meet with the media, and to also have a public workout for the fans in New York.

Carano spoke first at the press conference and thanked the fans and the media for covering the event, and for giving her a job. She also thanked Randy Couture and all the trainers at Xtreme Couture gym in Las Vegas.

She thanked Strikeforce and Showtime for putting her and Cyborg on as the main event on August 15. She said, "It takes a lot of balls to put something like this on."

Couture is now Carano's head trainer and he will be cornering her for the fight. She said her looks won't help her out inside the cage and thinks it's a compliment when people always tell her she is too pretty to be fighting.

Carano also said this will be the toughest fight so far in her career and that it is not her style to talk trash. She claims the fight will speak for itself.

She is not worried about getting taken down by Cyborg to the ground, as she said as much. Carano also feels that the winner of this fight should be considered the best fighter in women's MMA.

Cyborg said she doesn't mind that the media is calling it "The beauty vs. the Beast."

Carano said she feels that men and women are two completely different animals and she said, "We're females, no penis," which got a big chuckle out of the people inside the WaMu Theater.

Carano was the big star of the whole event and most of the questions were directed at her.

Both women also did a public workout. They did not do much but hit the pads.

Strikeforce's August 15 MMA show will be shown on the cable network Showtime.


Anonymous said...

fuck the chinese crap

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