Thursday, August 7, 2008

Invitation By Giants to Bonds Nothing But a PR Stunt

 Instead of  signing Barry Bonds to be their left fielder for the final two months of the season, the Giants decided to send an invitation to Bonds to come to this Saturday's game against the Dodgers for a reunion of past Giants outfielders.

I believe there will be  a pre-game ceremony before the game to honor many of the former outfielders in San Francisco Giants history. Other former outfielders that reportedly were invited include Jack Clark, Jeffrey Leonard, Mike Felder, and Kevin Mitchell.

The invitation by the Giants was strictly a public relations move. The Giants organization does not care about Bonds. The only reason they are inviting him is because they want to  pretend to be the good guy in this situation.

When Bonds does not show up, the media will probably blast him again and make him out to be an ungrateful bad guy once again.

Why should Bonds show up? He is still trying to be an active player, and he is not retired like the rest of the other players that were invited.

Thanks to collusion by the owners, he might never be able to play baseball in America again. The home run king might have to go to Japan to play professional baseball.

If the Giants really wanted to show Bonds some gratitude, they would have resigned him for this season.

Instead, this pathetic organization decided to sign Aaron Rowand who has done nothing to help this team win. Sure, Rowand might be a "leader" in the clubhouse, but he is just an average player at best.

The team also decided to get rid of all but a few Bonds' banners and signs in the ballpark.

Barry Bonds deserves better. The Giants are stuck in fourth place in the  weak NL West and this publicity ploy by them is awfully pathetic and sad.

If any fans fall for this PR move and attend Saturday's game hoping to see Bonds,  then they are as stupid and pathetic as the 2008 Giants.

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