Thursday, August 7, 2008

MMA Fighters and Insiders Predictions on GSP Vs. Fitch

D Wizzle's World  asked  MMA fighters, insiders, and ring girls who they think will win this Saturday night when Georges St.Pierre defends his welterweight title  against challenger Jon Fitch at UFC 87. 

Anthony "Rumble" Johnson (UFC welterweight contender) :  I hope my boy Fitch wins, but GSP is no bitch, so I hope whoever shows up and wants it the most, wins.

Josh "The Punk" Thomson (Strikeforce Lightweight Champion): Fitch, Fitch, Fitch, Fitch!!! OH, did I say Fitch??!!! (Laughs)

Stephen Quadros (MMA  analyst and commentator): I pick GSP to retain his belt not because Jon Fitch isn't good, or doesn't deserve  a shot at the title. He most certainly does! The problem is that the champion is better in more facets of the game than Fitch is. Long story short, I don't think there is a 170 pound fighter in the world today who can beat Georges St.Pierre.

Nicole Craner (Strike Force Ring Girl): GSP...because there is no one like him. His work ethic is phenomenal. I think it will go the distance though.

Keith "KO Kid" Berry  (KOTC Middleweight Champion and EliteXC fighter): I think GSP will win a unanimous decision over Fitch. GSP is on another level than anyone in his division. It's insane.

Nate Moore( Gladiator Challenge fighter fighting out of American Kickboxing Academy): As a training partner to Fitch, I will obviously be biased towards thinking Fitch will be the winner. However, I can tell you that Fitch is the more intelligent and mentally prepared fighter. Jon will undoubtedly stick to his game plan and grind out a well executed fight. Aside from having the side advantage, Fitch had a near perfect training camp, and he will be ready to give St.Pierre a five round war if necessary.

Elaina "Beef" Maxwell (Strikeforce fighter from Cung Le's gym):  I think Fitch will win by decision because GSP usually takes his opponent's best attribute and beats them with it. Fitch isn't imbalanced in one area, which means he is a well-rounded fighter. He's not good in one area and bad in another. This will definitely be a chess match, a close fight, and a war of wills.

Darren Uyenoyama (Dream and Strikeforce fighter ): I really want Fitch to win. I like his approach as a competitor and his hard work ethic. There are definitely some positions he can beat GSP in. However, GSP is very consistent and keeps a constant pace throughout his fights. He also recovers very well so it's not going to  be easy. It's going to be a classic match of boxer vs. brawler. The fan in me wants Fitch to win, but the analyst in me says the odds are on GSP.

Crooklyn (host of CageSide Live ): I'm hoping Fitch takes it. He's a powerhouse, has terrific wrestling, very decent jiu-jitsu, and has very good cardio. I just see those factors playing  out more definitively than any of GSP's previous opponents.  Let's hope I'm right because Jon Fitch is a friend of mines, and I want him to have that belt!

Michael Toney  from Dominance Fight Gear (co-author of MMA book, "Tales From The Cage"):  GSP by decision.  I think it will be a very tactical fight, and potentially a little boring. GSP is in his prime, and is going to be very tough to beat. 

Gabe  "Godzilla" Ruediger (Team Quest fighter) : It's an interesting match up. I think Fitch is one of the few fighters who can give GSP a run. Both of them are very well-rounded and can usually dictate where the fight happens. That's where this fight is interesting. I'm going with GSP by decision although I wouldn't be suprised if Fitch won the same way.

Jason Von Flue (The Ultimate Fighter 2 contestant and former UFC and Strikeforce fighter ) : I'm thinking GSP by decision. It will be the same fight as GSP vs. Koscheck.

Damon Gee (CEO of KNOXX Gear): I like Fitch because he is a very  determined fighter. He gave up a lot to move to San Jose and improve his game in order to become the best fighter in the world. He has a lot of heart and training is his life.

D Wizzle ( D Wizzle's World): Jon Fitch has never fought anyone as good as GSP in his career. Beating the Chris Wilsons and Josh Burkmans of the world is different than defeating the best welterweight fighter in the world today.  Fitch will hang in there for the first few rounds, but GSP is more athletic and talented, and he will win by TKO in the third or fourth round. Fitch's win streak ends in Minnesota.


  1. War Fitch! Fitch FTW!!

  2. I count 7 for Fitch and 7 for GSP. This means it will be a close fight and anyone's fight. No one can be cartain who is going to win or lose which makes this fight great.

  3. Jon Fitch will prove to be overated and not a true contender in his division once the fight is over and GSP is the champ once again. Anyone who thinks differently is a friend of Fitchs

  4. Who has Fitch beaten to get a title shot? I think Thiago Alves gets the title shot next. Ufc want to make Fitch seem to be a tough challenger but i see GSP cruising to a win in the 2nd round. Down goes Fitch!!!

  5. Why didn't they ask people in Canada who they think will win? because you know that G S P G S P G S P is going to kick ass!! Where is this fight? Vegas? the fans will probably be booing canada flags and canadians again but all the Fitch supporters will be crying and whining over the fight is over.

  6. Fith by eye poke if Mazzagattiis the ref. GSP by head butt if Herb Dean is the ref. Draw if Cecil Peoples is the judge!!!

  7. Fitch SUCKS all his promoters dick

  8. Michael is RIGHT and Damon is WRONG.

  9. This is Damon from KNOXX....I'm a fan of both fighters and GSP is one of my all time favorite fighters to watch BUT Fitch is also my friend so I'm very Bias with my prediction. I know Fitch gave up a lot to move away from family and friends to train here in CA. Everyone that trains with him knows that he doesnt nothing but train...train..train... Fitch is very well rounded and I feel if anyone can beat would be Fitch. And being that I'm from the United States...I want Fitch to bring the UFC belt back to the USA.

  10. Saturday night we will witness the greatness of GSP and the overhyped machine of Jon Fitch. I would love to see Fitch tap out or TKO ... I will take either.

  11. Hey Damon - What's wrong with the belt in Canada? The GREATEST country in the world? We got free health care over here!!

  12. Funny people say Fitch is over hyped when he is one of UFC's MOST underhyped. Fitch won his past 8 UFC fights but in which UFC didnt air his fights on tv until the last few fights ago. He was even supposed to also be on the 1st season of the Ultimate Fighter reality series but UFC decided to drop him off that reality series just when he was to board to plane to go there.
    Most mma fans didnt know of his name until recently even though he is currently on a 15 fight win streak! Fitch is a very soft spoken and always kept to himself so maybe that was the main reason why UFC literally made him EARN his title shot. Fans say hes too quiet and reserved and UFC may see that as not being a marketable fighter to sell out tickets and arenas. He should be looked for his skills not for him to pretend to be loud ass cocky mofo that thinks his shit dont stink.

    He is definatley underlooked because there is NOT one fighter in the UFC that ever had to wait for 15 consecutive victories before getting a title shot!!!!!
    He definately deserves this title shot and I do hope he wins.

    Best of luck to you Fitch Fighter!! I know you will definately do your best because this is what you worked so hard for all these years.

  13. This is Damon from KNOXX again...There is nothing wrong with Canada and a matter of fact I hear nothing but great things about Canada! The country is nice and clean and I hear the night life there is definally very wild. Unfortunately, I personally haven't been there yet but it is definately on my lists of places to travel. But FREE Health Care??? Maybe I should consider moving there then... LOL

    Again, my prediction is bias purely because I was born and raised in the United States and Fitch is a friend of mine. A matter of fact, the majority of my friends think GSP will win and a lot of my female friends would love to marry GSP! LOL

    Anyways, Im a huge fan of both GSP and Fitch and I followed both of their mma careers. I know both are excellent fighters and I'm excited to see who the better fighter that day will be.

    But my prediction still doesn't change... Fitch to submit GSP on Saturday.

  14. Fitch to submit GSP? U must be off your rocker mate. I don't see it buddy. WAR GSP!! Fitch Fighter get out of here!!!!

  15. Fitch may be on a 15 fight win streak BUT it doesn't matter if all you beat are cans. Give St pierre the same opponents and he would be undefeated too. Fitch did not have to fight Matt Hughes twice or Serra or Koscheck.

  16. Seems like the only ones rootin for Fitchy are the guys in San Jose and AKA. The Frenchies will root on GSP and celebrate.

  17. It would be nice to see some unbiasness for once!

    Fitch may be the best there is at AKA but this is not the AKA league but the UFC. You know what that means. GSP in round 1.

  18. Darren Uyenomama should go up to 170 and submit both of them.

  19. Damon, you and your company Knoxx sucks, you are a small company wanna be big, Fitch will lose, GSP wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Canada rules!!

  20. I am leaning towards GSP over Fitch after reading the predictions here. I tend to agree more with Quadros's analysis than Josh Thomsons. Thomson's analysis was good but Quadros 's take on it had me leaning towards Mr.Canada

  21. Why is everyone on here picking Fitch? Bunch of Fitch nuthuggers. Fitch is boring. I can't believe he even has a girlfriend. I feel sorry for her since she probably is neglected due to him sparring and wrestling all day and night.

  22. I think Knoxx CEO Damon Gee is try to promote his guy, or maybe try to sign him up, one way or another, thats how promoter talks, I happened to google the Knoxx company and found them on myspace, bunch of BS wanna be, His company will never be BIG like TapOut, dream on, CANADIAN people will not buy your shits, again GSP WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Canada is God's country!!! GSP ALL THE WAY!!!


  25. STOP advertise your company here on the blog, leaving your links, D Wizzle should do something about this, this is NOT a paid advertising site isnt it? as matter of fact I click on your links and you have plenty of post with NO comments, cuz your company sucks!! the Domxxxxxx was a way better compay than yours, asshole.

  26. Knoxx is NOT taking over the world, unless your world is in a 10x10 BOX, LOL

  27. No more bitchassness here. Bottom Line - Jon Fitch will go down Saturday night like a punk he is.

  28. I got my dinero on GSP, Rogers Huerta, and Big Brock.

  29. I might actually have to watch this. three solid fights hopefully. Thomson is biased he is Fitch's boy and so is Rumble, Moore, and the rest.

  30. Funny I see knoxx here cuz I recently saw Dj J-boogie from Flava spinnin at club in Canada wearin ur knoxx logo tee. I just looked at ur site and I'm surprised to see that u guys have a colaboration with Diamond Supply Co. Diamond is HUGE in the streetwear scene here! Keep ur head up knoxx cuz people will always hate on people doin big things. Cuz a company workin with Diamond Supply Co. MUST be doing big things. ONE!

  31. Almost forgot to mention that GSP is gonna beat the shit out of Fitch. Its really not much of a contest cuz fitch doesn't stand a chance. One!

  32. I never looked at Knoxx until today but I must give it to them because they have a pretty good blog site. I used to skateboard and im still into streetwear so i must say they Knoxx must have connections to be able to be associated with brands like Diamond Supply Co and DGK and Mighty Healthy.I find it pretty interesting that these high end streetbrands are even willing to work with a company associated with mma. Also GSP will be a champion for a very long time and dont think they is any fighter that is even close to taking the belt away from him anytime soon. GSP is pound for pound one of the best welterweights at this moment! and all the people that thinks Anthony Johnson has a chance to beat GSP is smoking crack

  33. Hey Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit just named one of their twins after your company, Knox maybe you should start a baby line spelled with one "x" hahaha just an idea

  34. Knoxx ppl posting for Knoxx... this is turning into a Knoxx forum, also if you look back, D Wizzle must have a tie with Knoxx, cuz both sites are posting very similar stuffs, and start making me think its a self promoting shits, I was giving props to D Wizzle on his site, not anymore, :(

  35. I agree with Stephen Quadros and D Wizzle. They make good points and you look at the overall facts and got to put your money on St.Pierre. The other fighters who liked GSP all gave good reasons while the ones siding with Jon Fitch just like him because he is their boy or training partner.

  36. Damon from KNOXX..One of my partners, Skech designed for many of these skate/street brands therefore the ties we have with them. He's been in the street/skate wear industy for over 15 yrs.

    We have 2 blogs , one for KNOXX Gear and one for Knoxx Lifestyle and our blogs are used to let people keep track with what we are doing and also the people that work with KNOXX are doing. Both generate approx 2,000 hits a day and u also must sign up to Word Press in order to comment which most viewers dont.
    Lots of blog sites tend to borrow or link my posts since some of my material are KNOXX exclusive. At times, KNOXX also borrows other material from other blogs or websites if they pertain to us or the people that work with KNOXX.
    This is my last comment because this topic was never about KNOXX and more of Fitch. Its the negative people that put KNOXX as the center of attention on these comments that started this whole thing. I never tended to use this for self promotion because this post should definately be all about "Who You Think Will Win...GSP or Fitch"

    I still believe Fitch has a very good chance but we will see tonight who walk away with the belt.

    Again...Thanks for all your support and haters can just keep hating. KNOXX will still continue to do what we're doing and people must love us to have grown so big in just a couple years.

    Regardless, the owners enjoy, love, believe and have great passion in what we're doing which is all that matters.

    To all the other mma clothing brands or new mma media companies...Keep on grindin! Everyone is doing a great job in promoting the fastest growing sport in the world, Mix Martial Arts!

  37. GSP will win because he is hot and sexy and has a great ass!! I pick by looks!

  38. Why is everyone hating on Knoxxx? Do they sponsor Jon Fitch? If they do, then you know why they picked FItch. LIke a sponser is going to take the other guy ROFL

  39. Everyone can stop bitching because GSP FTW BAYBEE!!!


  41. God Bless Canada and GSP!!!!! I wanted a KO by GSP but I guess we all had to settle for a decision but a win regardless. GSP GSP GSP!

  42. All the pro Jon Fitch suckers can cry for days now. I'm Lovin It!!
