Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Comedian Jackie Mason Uses Racial Slur On ESPN - VIDEO

Check out this video showing comedian Jackie Mason using an offensive racial slur on ESPN.

The racial slur happens around the five minute mark of this video. The ESPN commentator Joe Tessitore and Mason have a great laugh at the expense of Chinese people.

Here is the transcript of these two bantering -

Joe Tessitore: Teddy Atlas goes to China and I end up with you, Jackie!

Jackie Mason: You don't know how lucky you are. What's he going to do in
China? All he's going to see is Chinese people. You can see them in the
neighborhood. (Tessitore Laughing real hard) Everytime you go to the
laundry, there's another "Chinaman". You don't have to go a hundred
thousand miles to meet a Chinese person.

There are NO excuses for racism and especially on a network like ESPN. Tessitore should be ashamed of himself for laughing so hard as well. Mason, who calls himself "The Ultimate Jew" should never be allowed on ESPN ever again.

I am surprised he didn't say the "N" word when discussing those two black fighters that were boxing. It is 2008 and racism is at an all time high on the airwaves and in the media.

A radio sports host in San Francisco also used the "chinaman" slur on the air recently. You can find more about that here -

ESPN and KNBR should be ashamed of themselves for allowing people like Mason and Tolbert on the air.


Anonymous said...

The ultimate jew and Tessitore need to be reprimanded! RACISTS!

Anonymous said...

no good jew bag! Zieg Hail!

Anonymous said...

Jackie Mason? that guy still alive? lol

Anonymous said...

Let's not get into a Jew vs Chinese here. Let's not stoop so low as Jackie Mason. Clearly what he said was wrong but do you think he cares? He is a comedian and comedians always make racial jokes. Not that it is right but he has no other material. race, sex, and politics are something comedians always use.

Anonymous said...

what a racist jewbag. jewy jew jew.

he's so fucking jewy.

Anonymous said...

no surprise here, he's just being a typical kike.

Anonymous said...

LOL. This guy should drop dead and make us all laugh. It will be the funniest thing that happened of all time. That ESPN analyst kept on laughing all on his dick too. I think Tesitore is italian so he's no jew but a dick rider

Anonymous said...

You are not the ultimate Jew. Remember the holocause!!!

Anonymous said...

Standard Jew. Jackie "JEW BASTARD" Mason can say what he wants but I have more respect for Asian people than I do for Jew Bastards.

Anonymous said...

Why go to Jurusulam when u can see Jew bastards in New York? All the damn jews here make me sick.

Anonymous said...

Who watches boxing? Put Jackie Mason in the octagon and end his misery.

Anonymous said...

Typical jew bitch

Anonymous said...

He should apologize but he won't. ESPN should also but they won't. I should call Jackie Mason a piece of shit old man but I won't. Oops I just did.

Anonymous said...

Racism blows. I will boycott espn from now on. Being a non sports fan, that isn't hard to do.

Anonymous said...

I agree there should be an apology made. I am Jewish and don't like all the hatred against the chinese by the media too or on Jewish people on the comments here. Seems like Jewish people always get a bad rap. Jackie mason is a legend in comedy and can make fun of his own culture but he should not use racial slurs. I don't think he would like the comments made on here much.

Anonymous said...

I heard about this but didn't see the video until now. Thanks for the footage . Karma is a bitch

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to start boycotting ZIONIST journalists & news!

You ever see one of these Zionist Jews spewing more BS on your tube...CHANGE THE CHANNEL and spread the word! Never watch that show again! Hit Jews where it hurts 'em - their pocketbooks!

Anonymous said...

Jewish racists = haters. Spielberg was not needed at the olympics. they did great WITHOUT that old hag.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're right guys!


David Sassoon did not speak English, he became a naturalised British citizen in 1853. He kept the dress and manners of the Baghdadi Jews, but allowed his sons to adopt English manners. His son, Abdullah changed his name to Albert, moved to England, became a Baronet and married into the Rothschild family. All the Sassoons of Europe are said to be descendants of David Sassoon.

In 1836, the opium trade into China, under the monopoly of David Sassoon, reached over 30,000 chests per annum and drug addiction in coastal cities became endemic, in which the Manchu Daoguang Emperor ordered that the opium smuggling be stopped. He named the Commissioner of Canton, Lin Tse-hsu, to lead a campaign against opium. Lin immediately sought out and arrested thousands of the drug dealers, seized and destroyed 2,000 chests of the Sassoon opium, by which an outraged David Sassoon demanded that China compensate for the seizure or Great Britain retaliate; the resulting effects culminating into the First Opium War.

Why didn't they teach us this in American schools??? Who the hell runs this cuntry?


Anonymous said...

Never again will I watch another Jackie Mason show... wait I never watched his show in the first place. Jackass Mason go to hell!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fukin kike

Anonymous said...

Is "Chinamen" really all that bad when suffering to men from China?

It's not like he called them slanty-eyed, communist douche-bags.