Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ten Seconds with Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano was at the MLB Fan Fest in San Francisco signing autographs and promoting her new jewelry line "Touch." A fan waiting in line said " I go to a baseball fan fest and all I get is an autograph from an actress!!!"
I remember her as Samantha Miceli from "Who's The Boss" and also seeing her in Melrose Place. Security was at its worst that day. Two fat women were controlling the line and screaming to everyone that if we dared take a picture of the lovely Alyssa, our precious cameras would be confiscated and we would be removed from the line. Everyone had a good time making fun of the rude and scary women guards as we waited to worship Alyssa at her alter. Please notice the sarcasm! My brief moment with Alyssa consisted of her asking my name and saying "take care" and I told her to take care as well lol.